FURLANIS Srl, in compliance with current laws and regulations, is committed to responsibly managing its activities and maintaining a certification management system that ensures product quality, minimizes environmental impacts, and meets social and health and safety requirements for workers.
Regarding Social Responsibility, FURLANIS Srl is committed to:
- complying with current legislation and social requirements as per the reference standards for labor law certification. Specifically, it commits to:
   not using or supporting child labor;
   not using or supporting forced labor;
   respecting and protecting workers' freedom to associate, not hindering their membership in trade unions, and promoting collective bargaining;
   not engaging in or supporting any form of discrimination against staff based on any condition;
   not using or supporting disciplinary practices or verbal abuse that contravene the respect for human dignity;
   complying with legal working hours, national and local agreements, and applicable national collective labor contracts;
   paying employees in compliance with the relevant national collective labor contract (CCNL).
- complying with current health and safety regulations at work and, more specifically, to:
   provide safe and healthy working conditions to prevent accidents and diseases related to activities, the size and context of the organization, and the specific nature of risks;
   apply systematic procedures to identify risks, manage these risks with appropriate assessment methods, and implement necessary measures to minimize hazards;
   prepare emergency and intervention plans to manage residual risks;
   promote a safety culture that effectively prevents accidents.
- appointing a person responsible for managing social responsibility aspects;
- monitoring compliance with social criteria and implementing necessary measures;
- informing employees about the content of social criteria and any other related information provided by the reference standard;
- adequately recording and addressing any complaints from employees or third parties regarding social aspects, and maintaining records of all corrective actions taken.
Regarding the Environment, FURLANIS Srl is committed to:
- complying with current legislation and environmental requirements as per the reference standards for certification;
- appointing a person responsible for managing environmental aspects;
- evaluating new processes, activities, and services in advance to properly identify their environmental aspects and effects;
- conducting continuous monitoring of the production process and monitoring relevant environmental aspects such as atmospheric emissions, water and energy consumption, and waste production, also for improvement purposes to enhance environmental performance;
- setting goals for reducing energy and water consumption, wherever possible, and adopting appropriate procedures to achieve them;
- preferably using, where possible, recovered and recycled raw materials;
- minimizing the generation of waste, particularly hazardous waste, in all stages of processing;
- implementing a chemical risk management system aimed at reducing the environmental impact of using chemicals in production processes;
- adopting appropriate procedures for preventing and managing emergencies in case of incidents.